Download the 2023 PERF Report presented by Police Executive Research Forum which showcases its latest findings regarding vehicular pursuits across the US.
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The use of tagging and tracking technologies
in vehicle pursuits
Agencies should explore the use of tagging and tracking technology to assist in vehicle pursuits. Such technology can help minimize the duration of a pursuit or avoid one entirely.
For agencies that adopt tagging and tracking technology, the policy should direct personnel to request and deploy the device at the earliest time possible. Only officers who have received the proper training should be permitted to deploy the device. Agency policy and training should instruct officers on how to request a deployment, assess the considerations for deployment, and develop a plan to track the suspect and apprehend them once they stop and exit the vehicle.
StarChase deployment should occur before a vehicle flees/evades/eludes to protect the safety of the officers and/or the public. StarChase operators should use extreme caution when approaching a vehicle for the deployment of a StarChase GPS tag. StarChase deployment is limited to use on four-wheeled motor vehicles.”
How technology positively impacts
agency outcomes
There were no injuries, fatalities, or property damage resulting from tagging vehicles.
Apprehension rates for tagged vehicles exceeded 80 percent.
On average, tagged suspects slow to within 10 miles of the posted speed limit in less than two minutes.
StarChase’s GPS-enabled pursuit technology extended police flexibility by providing remote tracking capability when line-of-sight vehicle tracking became unfeasible.
A technology or system “champion” within the agency who advocated for its use could boost successful adoption and integration of a new pursuit technology.