
Mayor, without plan in hand, rejects Portland protest violence

By: Gordon Friedman, The Oregonian

PORTLAND, Ore. — Protests that devolve into bloody street brawls have no place in Portland and are a black mark against the city’s reputation, Mayor Ted Wheeler said on Monday, denouncing the actions of left- and right-wing demonstrators who clashed on June 29.

Wheeler offered no policy proposals, however, and would not take a position on two options given by the police chief, Danielle Outlaw. She called for new city rules barring people from wearing masks during protest and empowering officers to videotape demonstrations.

Multiple groups, including Rose City Antifa, the Proud Boys and conservative activist Haley Adams protest in downtown Portland, Ore., Saturday, June 29, 2019. (Dave Killen/The Oregonian via AP)

Wheeler said he plans to discuss ways to better control future protests with police, business, community and civil rights leaders. He gave no timetable for when he would land on a solution.

Full story: https://www.policeone.com/Crowd-Control/articles/484365006-Mayor-without-plan-in-hand-rejects-Portland-protest-violence/