
Hoofing it: Fort Worth officer chases down loose cows

By: Bradley Blackburn, wfaa.com


FORT WORTH, Texas — Fort Worth’s slogan is “Where the West Begins,” and sometimes that frontier is right in the middle of a neighborhood.

Police officers never know what the call will be, but recently in the southwest part of the city, they had to respond to some stubborn cows.

Officer Damon Cole was called to a Fort Worth neighborhood where ranchland is located right next to new homes. When a fence broke, approximately 20 cows made it to the streets and fields in the subdivision.

Full story: https://www.wfaa.com/article/news/local/tarrant-county/hoofing-it-fort-worth-officer-chases-down-loose-cows/287-b9cecdd2-7e5b-49a8-ad6d-d1ab279da7b2