
Milwaukee sees big uptick in police chases after policy changed in 2017

By: Cassidy Williams, fox6now.com

MILWAUKEE — In 2018, the Milwaukee Police Department averaged 18 police chases every week, a big increase from 2017. A new report breaks down what happened after the city changed its pursuit policy. The report looks at how the numbers changed over the last decade, and it’s clear the policy change allowing police officers to pursue reckless drivers had an impact.

The Milwaukee Fire and Police Commission met Thursday, April 18, to discuss the report.

Beginning in September 2017, Milwaukee police officers were allowed to pursue cars engaged in reckless driving or believed to be engaged in drug dealing.

Full story: https://fox6now.com/2019/04/18/milwaukee-sees-big-uptick-in-police-chases-after-changing-policy-in-2017/