
Dog Who Got Separated From His Family Knew Exactly Who To Ask For Help

By: Caitlin Jill Anders, msn.com


Deputy Soto and Sergeant Rose, of the Lee County Sheriff’s Office in Florida, had just finished responding to a call and were heading back to their police car when they noticed something standing against one of the doors. As they got closer, they realized it was a dog — who appeared to be a little lost.

The dog was immediately happy to see the officers, and it almost seemed as if he had been waiting for them to help him. They noticed he was wearing a collar, and assumed he had somehow gotten separated from his family and was hoping they could help him find his way back. “Deputy Soto thought that the dog, named Hank according to his collar ID, might be hungry,” Gary Levine, a public information officer with the Lee County Sheriff’s Office, told The Dodo. “Deputy Soto gave Hank the last of his dinner. He opened the rear door of his patrol vehicle and Hank jumped in.”

Hank was so excited to see the officers, and gratefully accepted some food and a ride. Luckily, there was an address on Hank’s collar, and so the officers were able to drive him home and reunite him with his family before he had barely even been gone at all.

Full story: https://www.msn.com/en-us/lifestyle/lifestyle-buzz/dog-who-got-separated-from-his-family-knew-exactly-who-to-ask-for-help/ar-BBV1q5f