
TV news crew covering Oakland teachers’ strike robbed, security guard shot

By: David Boroff, New York Daily News

A TV news crew covering the Oakland teachers’ strike was robbed on Sunday and their security guard was shot, according to authorities.

Several suspects are in custody following the incident that took place at around 5 p.m. at the Oakland Library. Reporter Joe Vazquez and photographer John Anglin of KPIX were working when a car pulled up and the driver pulled a gun, according to the TV station.

The gunman demanded the crew’s camera, cops say. The station said that the crew surrendered the equipment and began to walk away, but security guard Matt Meredith was shot in the leg and exchanched gunfire with the suspect.

Full story: https://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/ny-news-tv-news-crew-robbed-20190225-story.html